Golden Years Foundation

Caring Makes a Difference

As a nonprofit organization rooted in faith, we believe deeply in serving others. 

That's why our community set up a way for residents, friends, and family to help others live life to the fullest. The Golden Years Foundation gives us the additional means to take care of residents and employees who need a little extra help or a helping hand. All funds given to the Golden Years Foundation go to help those who need it at the Golden Years campus. 

When you give to our Foundation, you make it possible for us to provide financial aid to individuals as well as expand our programs to serve more people. Over the years, the Foundation has also supported residents who have outlived their savings or depleted their assets through no fault of their own as well as provided for mission workers who have faithly served the Lord to retire here at Golden Years.

Taking care of people is our calling. If you'd like to help us do even more, please make a gift to the Great Lakes Foundation.

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How Gifts Help

Blessing Others with God-Given Gifts

More Stories

A Year of Record Generosity!