Greencroft Goshen During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Campus Updates
COVID Cases at Greencroft Goshen January 12, 2024
Residents | Independent Living | Assisted Living | Healthcare | Total | |
Active Positive Cases | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | |
Positive Cases Hospitalized | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Team Members | Independent Living | Assisted Living | Healthcare | Serves Multiple Areas of Campus* | Total |
Active Positive Cases | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
November 23, 2021
Happy Thanksgiving! Despite the ongoing challenges with COVID, we all have much for which to be thankful. In particular, thankfulness for the ongoing opportunity to serve you, our residents, and our families.
I continue to record and send COVID update calls more frequently as the pandemic continues to evolve. As of today, Elkhart County COVID positivity rates are 19%, community transmission remains HIGH, and have continued to trend up.
There was a significant regulatory update from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, issued on November 12, 2021. This guidance relieves the restrictions placed on nursing home visitation. We can now remove the limit on the number, dur, or time of family visits.We are also no longer required to schedule visits. Nursing homes may now continue visitation, even during outbreak investigations.
However, now more than ever everyone must strictly adhere to the Core Principles of Infection Control. For visitors this means:
- Always screen in and out through the Accusheild kiosk
- Masks must be in place at all times in healthcare.
a. Sharing of food and drink with your loved one remains prohibited. - Frequent hand hygiene with alcohol-based hand sanitizer (preferred) or soapy water
- Social distancing: 6 feet between everyone who is visiting.
Visitors should go straight to and from their loved ones’ room. No loitering in common areas is allowed; we also cannot offer the services of the dining areas yet. For residents with roommates, in-room visitation is discouraged, unless the curtain is kept shut and both residents are vaccinated. Please confer with the charge nurse if you have specific questions about visitation in a shared room.
With the Holidays upon us, we are fielding many questions about excursions and outings. Please remember that if your loved one is out more than 24 hours, we must treat their return as a new admission, and they will be placed in the “yellow-zone” transmission-based precaution isolation for 14 days. Short day trips do not have this requirement.
However, there is ongoing and somewhat contradictory guidance from the State Department of Health regarding outings and excursions during outbreak investigations. As of this writing, all outings and excursions during outbreak investigations should be discouraged. We are closely monitoring guidance and expecting clarification on this topic shortly.
Final topic on visitation: if the facility is in an outbreak investigation, or if there is active COVID in the building, you must be aware that by visiting, you incur a higher risk of potential infection. Shortly, you will see new entry signage informing you whether there is active COVID or outbreak investigations, and I will also share that information on the automated calls. You are still allowed to visit, but I am bound to inform you of the elevated risk of transmission.
Lastly, you are likely aware that all health care providers who participate in Medicare and Medicaid must now mandate vaccination of all workers (including contract and agency staff) by December 5, 2021. Organization leadership and corporate counsel have been working hard to meet this mandate, and much effort is going towards educating and encouraging vaccination for all. There are allowances for religious and medical exemptions, and we are educating team members on those options as well. Greencroft Goshen will adhere to and comply with regulatory guidance on this subject.
Thanks to all of you for your continued patience, kindness, and words of encouragement. I have been a licensed Administrator since 2007, every day brings new challenges and perils with COVID-19. Rest assured my team and I are not wearied by the task, and remain steadfastly committed to doing our best for you. Please do not hesitate to call or contact me at any time. We are all here to serve.
Tony Ughetti, Healthcare Administrator
August 20, 2021
As you may have heard, on Wednesday August 18, President Biden announced he is calling on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to require all nursing homes who accept federal reimbursement to mandate COVID-19 vaccinations for team members. We recognize that this mandate will be met with mixed emotions. Some will be undoubtably relieved while others will be disconcerted and alarmed.
Since the COVID-19 vaccination availability, we have done our part to encourage all team members who are able to get the vaccine. We feel it’s the best way to maintain the safety and health of our team members, their families, and our residents. At the same time, in accordance with our CROFT values, we respect those who choose to think differently.
You may be asking what this mandate means? The answer is, we don’t know for sure. It appears we will receive communication as early as September. We ask for your patience as we await formal guidance from CMS and our state department of health with the policy and procedures. Once that is received, we will begin to process this guidance as an organization in conjunction with our team members
In addition, we are working with our state and national non-profit associations to advocate for team members who are unable to receive the COVID-19 vaccine due to religious beliefs and/or medical conditions. We expect these protections will be included in the mandate but feel it is vital for us to have our voices heard now.
Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or another member of the leadership team. In addition, you may also email your concerns or questions to
Brent Nafziger
Vice President of Operations
August 9, 2021
We must inform you we now have 3 active team members positive COVID cases. All are resting at home and doing well. However, having 3 cases requires us to start “outbreak testing.” Therefore, all team members will be tested twice weekly, and all residents once weekly, for the foreseeable future.
All residents who were tested today were negative.
On Tuesday, some of our residents will receive a special round of testing from the Indiana National Guard. This is a new effort by the State of Indiana to identify any COVID Delta variants in the building. Those to be tested include residents and staff from the Cove, Dell, and Oasis neighborhoods, as well as the three positive team members. This testing is mandated by the government and will occur Tuesday, August 10.
We continue to make you aware of updated guidance from the Indiana State Department of Health regarding the delta variant and mask wearing. Effective now and until further notice, everyone must wear masks inside healthcare, regardless of vaccination status. This includes residents and visitors. We will be reminding you of this and ask for your cooperation. There have been no other changes this week, but with increased incidence of the delta variant,changes could come at any time.
We also remind you to return your essential family caregiver application if you have not yet done so.
May 14, 2021
As the COVID pandemic evolves, guidance and regulations regarding indoor visitation also changes as needed. The past two weeks have seen significant changes to guidance, which have been reviewed and worked into our updated policies. Please read the updates below carefully, as they summarize the changes.
New guidelines for the vaccinated: You will note that the kiosk now has questions asking about vaccination status. We need this information because restrictions have loosened for vaccinated individuals, as follows:
- If both the visitor and the resident are vaccinated and the resident resides in a private room, masks can be removed once all parties are in the resident’s private room. Vaccinated residents and visitors can interact without masks on, which includes hugging, handholding, etc.
- Visitors must continue to wear masks at all times outside of the resident’s private room which includes while screening in at the kiosk, walking to and from the private room, and at any time they are in a public area of the community.
- If either the resident or the visitor are not vaccinated, or the resident has a roommate, or the visit is taking place in a public area, all parties must keep a cloth or surgical mask in place for the entire visit.
- Reminder: Sharing food and drink during visits is still prohibited. We see visitors taking freedoms in sharing food and drink during a visit which is against the current guidance. Also, visitors are reminded they must go straight to and from the visitation area (whether common area or private room.) We still are not able to offer visitors service at the Groves café or Coffee Shop.
- We must continue scheduling routine, indoor visitation through extension 6000. As noted in my last letter, the regulatory agencies require us to know how many persons are in the building at any one time, so that we can promote safe infection control practices. Therefore, scheduled visits are our way to meet that expectation. We have added 100% more available time slots, to allow greater opportunity for visitation.
- Three classes of visitation DO NOT require scheduling which are:
- End-of-life visitation, such as a resident on Hospice or who is rapidly declining in health.
- Compassionate care visits, indicated if a loved one exhibits difficulty with coping; upon initial move into the community; or due to a change in physical or emotional status.
- Essential Family Caregiver visits, indicated if the resident was receiving support prior to COVID or the move to Greencroft, this class allows the support to continue as provided by a family member or loved one.
- While these 3 classes do not require scheduling, a nurse or Infection Preventionist must make an individual determination whether your visit fits these one of these categories prior to the first visit.
- Three classes of visitation DO NOT require scheduling which are:
- Despite what the news media reports, we must follow different rules in Healthcare: By now you have likely heard that, according to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), masks are no longer required for indoor and outdoor use for vaccinated persons. Please understand and note, however, that nursing homes and congregate living environments are not included in that guidance. We must continue to follow regulatory guidance that still upholds the core principles of infection control, including:
- Frequent hand washing or sanitizing
- Cloth or surgical masks in public areas or if not vaccinated
- Follow all posted guidance, comply with all staff requests as regards personal protective equipment
- We still cannot allow the sharing of food and drink during visits, regardless of vaccination status
- No loitering or travelling around inside the community: visitors must go straight to and from their loved one’s visit
In closing, please understand that, 14 months into this pandemic, myself and the leadership of Greencroft Goshen Healthcare are as eager as you are to return to “normal,” however that may end up looking. However, we are duty-bound to know, follow, and enforce the current guidance. It is a difficult tightrope to balance, but the safety of your loved ones and our organization is the ultimate goal we all share.
Thank you for allowing us to participate in the care of your loved one. I am always available for questions or dialogue if you need additional information. Please call me at 574-537-4171 or email at I am here to serve.
Anthony Ughetti
Healthcare Administrator
May 13, 2021
Routine team member testing today revealed two positive team member results. These two team members are off work and resting at home. However, these results required us to conduct outbreak testing of all residents. Resident testing revealed one positive case and that person has been moved to our COVID Unit and is doing well. Additionally, another asymptomatic resident is under observation for suspicion of COVID and is being monitored. You would have already been notified if your loved one was impacted.
Regulatory guidance mandates that we must stop routine indoor visitation until outbreak testing is complete with no new positive cases, a process that may take several days. We have contacted all persons scheduled for routine indoor visitation and cancelled their visits through the weekend. We will resume these visits as soon as allowed by regulation.
Please note that visitation occurring under compassionate care, essential family caregiver, or end-of-life can continue.
This is an evolving situation and further changes may be mandated if more cases develop. You can count on us to keep you updated on developments.
Anthony Ughetti
Healthcare Administrator
March 8, 2021
Greetings! Allow me to send another letter to update you on changes and advancements to the in-person visitation and other announcements regarding re-opening at Greencroft Goshen Healthcare. Guidance from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) was released early this week and clarified on Thursday, March 4. The team and I are making modifications to the visitation schedule and plans based off this new guidance. Here are the main highlights:
More hours available for indoor visitation: Under the new guidance, we will now have an opportunity of 8 hours per day, Monday through Friday, and four hours each day Saturday and Sunday to offer visitation. We’ve continued to include evening and weekend hours. Here are the updated available hours to schedule visitation:
Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Sunday: 12 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
As you’ve noted, two families can attend indoor visits simultaneously. Visitation is limited to two persons per resident. Please refrain from any visitors under the age of 12. The indoor visitation area will be in the common area across from the coffee counter, near the fireplace. We cannot allow in-person, in-room visitation at the present time (except for end of life, bedbound residents, or compassionate care visits.) We must continue to hold visits in a common area for monitoring of PPE and infection control precautions.
All visitors have done well with the complimentary rapid-test for COVID prior to your visit. Continue to plan to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to your visit to allow ample time for testing. We continue to learn from and modify our procedures:
-Visitors must test every 7 days, according to our current cadence. This may soon change to every 30 days if county infectivity continues to drop. We will provide you a complimentary record of your test and date, please keep this with you: it will allow both of us to know when your next test is due.
-A positive rapid-test will disqualify you from visiting. Also, screening questions will be asked and your response may also prevent your ability to visit. A team member will be present during both steps to assist you. You will be given an adhesive name badge to wear during your visit. You will also be asked to review and sign that you’ve received a packet of information regarding safe visitation. Please sign out at the end of your visit to help us with our record keeping.
Lastly, continue to call 574-537-6000 to schedule indoor visitation.
Don’t forget about outdoor visitation: As the weather improves, please take full advantage of “window visits”/outdoor visitation. Schedule these visits through Erin at 574-537-4048. There is no time limit for outdoor visitation and no requirement for you to be COVID tested to have a window visit. You are also welcome to visit outside on a patio, if social distancing is maintained.
Hair Salon reopens Tuesday, March 9: We are happy to announce the return of beautician services starting March 9. Please understand there is backlog demand, but Cheryl will schedule as many people as she can until caught up.
Let me close this letter by thanking you again for being so patient as we resume indoor visitation and reopening efforts. We are all learning as we go, and you’ve been very understanding. Please do remember, one positive resident case of COVID or three team member positive tests is considered an outbreak, and all these efforts will need to immediately stop. Let’s enjoy this taste of “normal” while we can.
Thank you for allowing us to participate in the care of your loved one.
Anthony Ughetti
Healthcare Administrator
March 5, 2021
Thanks to the COVID vaccine and everyone's support and cooperation, we are taking further steps to "open up." Effective Monday, 3/8/21 Assisted Living (Evergreen Place and Central Manor) will be open for inside (apartment) visitation. Safeguards must be maintained:
- Masks, hand washing/sanitizing and social distancing must be maintained at all times during the visit.
- Temp checks and questionnaire must be completed before entering. Do not visit if you have any signs or symptoms of the virus.
- Visiting can be in the resident's apartment, the library, activity room or lounge.
- Visitation does not need to be scheduled but visitation should be between 8:00 a.m and 8:00 p.m.
- Two visitors per resident – exceptions require prior approval by the director.
We all should understand that while we continue to open up, there are still risks and reasons to remain conscientious in following the above safeguards. Quarantine procedures will restart if anyone tests positive.
Unless testing positive or showing signs and symptoms, the practice of quarantining residents after being potentially exposed will be discontinued.
Thanks again for your support, cooperation and prayers.
Dan Crooke
Director of Assisted Living
February 16, 2021
We are excited to inform you about our plans to begin indoor visitation! Your patience is appreciated as we navigate the COVID pandemic. I hope you’ll find this update hopeful and refreshing.
As of this week, the two conditions have been met to allow re-opening of indoor visitation. These conditions include:
- Elkhart County COVID-19 Infectivity Rate below 10% for at least two weeks; and,
- No active COVID-19 cases in the building.
Please note that re-opening may cease for a time if either condition above changes. If we have new cases of COVID for residents or team members, we will pause indoor visitation until those cases are cleared, as per guidance we must follow and for the safety of your loved ones, yourself, and our team members.
Our plan is to resume indoor visitation the week of February 22, 2021. Two visitation areas will be available during each time slot. Visitation will be limited to two persons per resident. The indoor visitation area will be in the common area across from the coffee counter, near the fireplace. Current guidance does not allow for in-room visitation at the present time (except for end of life or compassionate care visits).
As a visitor, you will be offered a complimentary rapid COVID test prior to your visit. Please plan to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to your visit to allow ample time for testing. Visitors will be instructed on how to self-collect the sample for the COVID test. A positive rapid test will disqualify you from visiting. Also, screening questions will be asked, and your response may also prevent your ability to visit. A team member will be present during both steps to assist you. You will be given an adhesive name badge to wear during your visit. You will also be asked to review and sign that you’ve received a packet of information regarding safe visitation.
To begin to schedule visits, please call 574-537-6000 with your preferred time, and a team member will call you back to confirm your scheduled time. We will follow the same general schedule we followed when outdoor in person visitation was re-started in August 2020. To refresh your memory, visitation times will be as follows:
- Monday through Friday, 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 5:00-7:00 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
To begin, each visit will be limited to 20 minutes, to allow for disinfection of the visitation space before the next appointment. As we gain efficiency and confidence in managing visitation, we may increase the visitation duration.
Let me close by again asking, and thanking you, for your grace and patience as we begin the process of resuming in-person visitation. As a team, we will learn as we go and may need to make additional adjustments and accommodations. Please ask questions if there is anything you do not understand or need assistance with. I hope you find the resumption of visitation to be a first step in an overall trend of returning to normal as we emerge from the COVID pandemic. All of us here at Greencroft Goshen Healthcare are looking forward to seeing you here with your loved ones!
Thank you for allowing us to participate in the care of your loved one.
Anthony Ughetti
Healthcare Administrator
February 10, 2021
With the pandemic still very much in our lives, we continue to keep our CROFT values at the forefront of what we do. Our values guide us in everything from how we treat one another to the decisions we make each day. As January has turned into February, we have completed the second and even third vaccination clinics for our residents and team members at each campus in the Greencroft system.
This news is exciting as it means that most of our residents have gotten their second dose of the vaccine and are on their way to developing the needed immunity to COVID-19. While the number of team members taking the vaccine was not as high as our residents, we still had a good number of team members who decided to take the vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine is not mandatory for our team members. We will continue to make this a voluntary action.
The vaccine is now available to more and more age groups in each state which will bring us closer to the level of immunity needed in order be able to make changes in our routines. We have heard from many of you asking when restrictions will be removed. Our answer is that we must continue to follow the same guidelines put forth by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and CMS (Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services) and our State Department of Health. We are unable to offer visitation until county positivity rates remain under 10% and we are COVID free for residents and team members. We wish that answer could be different. Truly, we do. We are happy to report that some of the Greencroft Communities’ campuses will be able to have visitations restored now that county positivity rates are below 10%. We celebrate the joy this brings to our residents and family members.
For the time being, we must continue to social distance, wear masks, keep washing our hands, and avoid gatherings until we, as a society, can reach a level of immunity which would make those actions less important. Trusted resources tell us that while even after the second dose of the vaccine, we can still contract COVID-19, and thus we can still transmit the virus to others. The vaccine may keep recipients from experiencing the severe symptoms of COVID-19 but not from transmitting the virus to those who have not been vaccinated. Therefore, we must adhere to the safety protocols we have in place.
We are thankful for the protection the vaccine offers to our residents as they have suffered the most severe of the effects of this virus. To know they have protection is a blessing. We continue to educate and answer questions for our team members and families so you may make an informed decision on whether to accept this protection for yourself when you are eligible.
Should you have questions specific to our campus, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Should you have questions about COVID-19 or the vaccine, please don’t hesitate to email
Brent Nafziger, VP of Operations
November 20, 2020
Each day brings new challenges to our campus as the pandemic, which we all thought would be over by now, continues to spread. These challenges are hard and sometimes even heartbreaking. We have done our best to provide for those who live with us and to help keep transparent communication with family members and our larger community. As we work through the challenges of team members and residents who contract COVID-19, we also help work through when COVID-19 hits our families and the families of our team members. It was not that long ago when many of us did not even know someone who had it. Now, it is harder to find someone who has not been impacted by COVID-19.
Right now, in our county, we are experiencing record high positivity rates. This means the spread of COVID-19 is not under control. The area hospitals are reporting that their capacity is running out. We have been informed that one of the main contributors of this spread is small gatherings, times when we all would feel OK about relaxing our guard and taking off our masks to enjoy our family or friends. It is understandable. We all wish to return to pre-COVID-19 days.
With this information from our local hospitals and physicians, as well as the guidance we have received from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH), the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we are asking residents to please not leave the campus, or take your loved one off campus, during this holiday season. This type of celebration with family or friends has the potential to be devastating to residents and team members on our campus. We know when weighing the risk of infecting your loved one against a holiday meal and fellowship, caution will prevail.
We understand that some of you may have already come to this decision on your own and for others this news will be difficult to read. We feel that way too. You are given two choices which are both hard to make. We are asking you to remain diligent in protecting your health and the health of your family.
Should you decide to leave or take your loved one out of assisted living or healthcare for the upcoming holidays, we will ask the resident to begin a 14-day quarantine upon return to campus. Please understand that this precaution is required by ISDH to help us protect other residents on campus.
Please consider alternative ways to come together during this season. We continue to offer video calls as well as phone time and window visits. Cards and care packages from loved ones are always a treat for our residents.
As mentioned, each day does come with its challenges during this pandemic. Each day, I take time to look for the good around me to keep me inspired. Most of the time, it comes from seeing the interactions between our team members and residents. The joy and laughter they share brings a smile to my face. I pray you too can find the joy in each day God brings us.
Please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the following, should you have questions or concerns:
Tony Ughetti, Healthcare Administrator at 574-537-4171
Daniel Crooke, Director of Assisted Living at 574-537-4109
Brent E. Nafziger
Vice President of Operations
Greencroft Goshen
October 26, 2020
As you know, we have been diligently testing Assisted Living team members and residents the past 14 days to ensure that COVID-19 had not spread further than those who had originally tested positive. We are so thankful to say that no additional resident cases occurred.
We were set to re-instate socially distanced visitation, activities and communal dining today. However, we are saddened to inform you that we had a team member who tested positive over the weekend. Therefore, it is with a heavy heart that we must continue with shelter in place protocols for our residents. We will also continue to test team members and residents as necessary per CDC guidelines.
We know this is disheartening news for you; however, we must error on the side of caution and follow best practice. Please know that we are doing all we can to maintain the safety and security for you and for your loved ones.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, Dawn or Brent Nafziger should you have questions. We thank you for your patience and prayers as we move through this pandemic together.
Dan Crooke
Director Assisted Living
October 26, 2020
I would like to personally thank you for the warm welcome I've received since my arrival here mid-September. I have had the opportunity to visit with many of you, and I look forward to growing in a servant relationship with you as we navigate the days ahead. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your loved ones, and your family.
The year 2020 has been the most difficult one of my 31-year career in healthcare. I often say "COVID ruined everything," and this remark is not meant to be flippant, but reflective of the many changes we've experienced in our industry, our personal lives, and our culture. I know I would not have been led to Greencroft Goshen had it not been for COVID, so there is some silver lining. My team and I have struggled, as you likely have as well, on discerning when is the right time to turn our attentions towards safely emerging from the pandemic and returning to "normal operations," however those may end up looking. This discernment continues daily.
All of you have borne tremendous sacrifices in adhering to the Federal and State restrictions on in-person visitation in nursing centers. On behalf of our entire team, I thank you for your patience as we've struggled through this together. Regulatory language and guidance continue to update, frequently, almost daily. Significant new guidance was released at the State Level last week. This letter will bring you up to date on our current state.
As you have likely seen in the media and heard around town, the "second wave" of COVID may be upon us. I check Elkhart County's COVID positivity rates daily, and they have been trending up, as well as the counties surrounding us. New guidance released last week states we must suspend all reopening plans if county infectivity exceeds 10 percent. It is currently 12.3%, and I anticipate it will continue to rise over the next several weeks. Thus, we are bound by regulation to refrain from routine visitation, except for end-of-life and compassionate-care cases. Our team will need to continue to enforce this, although it pains us to do so.
Additionally, we must test our residents weekly and our team members twice weekly as long as the infectivity rate remains above 10 percent. With increased testing has come an increase in positive staff results. The vast majority of these positives are workers who have no symptoms at all. As we monitor them throughout their quarantine period, the vast majority have remained symptom-free. Nevertheless, we are treating them as positive as we should. By the Grace of God and the dedication of our team members, we have not seen any positive resident cases, although we are fully prepared to reopen our dedicated COVID unit if any such cases develop.
I share all this with you because these are additional factors that cause us to keep in-person visitation paused. The latest guidance strongly recommends no routine in-person visitation while outbreak testing is underway, and that is the state in which we find ourselves.
Please rest assured that considerable planning has taken place to allow the prompt resumption of visitation as soon as county infectivity rates decline and regulatory guidance allows. Our team is ready to move forward and we welcome the day we can begin to receive routine visitors again. Policies are in place to allow safe visitation when allowed. A subcommittee has worked on new and novel ideas to enhance window visits, and news of this will be forthcoming shortly. Continue to check our website and listen to the daily calls, which will have the latest news and updates.
Thank you again for allowing me and our exceptional team to serve your loved ones. I appreciate good two-way communication and welcome your questions or dialogue as we continue to navigate through these troubled times. Please contact me at 574-537-4171 or email at if I can be of further assistance.
Anthony Ughetti, Healthcare Administrator
October 8, 2020
As you are aware from our daily phone calls, we have a team member who works in Evergreen West who has tested positive. We received this test result on October 7, 2020. This team member had already been quarantined at home and had not worked since October 2. We immediately initiated shelter in place protocols for Evergreen West residents which means visitations, activities
and communal dining have been suspended. In addition, we started testing of all team members. Our shelter in place for Evergreen West will last until October 15 providing no new cases occur.
During our testing today, we had a team member who has worked in Central Manor who has also received a positive test result from the rapid test. This individual was immediately sent home to quarantine. This individual has not felt any signs or symptoms. We have taken the same precautions for residents by establishing shelter in place protocols by discontinuing visitations,
activities and communal dining for the next 14 days. Should additional positive test results occur, the 14-day period begins anew. All residents of Evergreen Place are encouraged to be tested; a doctor's order from their primary care physician is required. Testing can be done here.
We understand many of you may have already heard some of this from phone calls from our team members. This letter will help provide a few more details which could not be covered in the daily phone call.
Please know that we do not currently have any residents who are displaying signs or symptoms for COVID-19. If your resident had a direct exposure, you would have already received a phone call. If you have not received a phone call, your loved one was not exposed. We will continue testing of residents and team members per CDC guidelines during our 14-day shelter in place.
We hope you understand our primary focus, as well as yours, is to provide for the health and safety of your loved ones and our team members. As always, we appreciate your prayers for strength and guidance for our residents and team members as we continue to provide the excellent compassionate care to your loved ones. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions; please call me at 574-537-4000.
Dan Crooke, Executive Director
September 17, 2020
Since our last letter, we have continued to test our team members and residents as mandated by the Indiana State Board of Health. So far, we have not had any positive test results for our residents in healthcare which is news worth celebrating. We appreciate your prayers for our residents and team members as we continue to our best to provide a safe environment.
Thank you!
September 4, 2020
As part of our CROFT Values, we have maintained transparency with you regarding anything which may impact you or your loved one. To that end, we wish to share with you the most recent events which have transpired in the past 48 hours. We understand many of you may have already heard some of this from phone calls from our team members. This letter will help provide a few more details which could not be covered in the daily phone call.
As you know, we have begun our mandated state testing of all team members in our healthcare areas. Yesterday and now today, we have had 2 team members who have received a positive test result. Both team members were asymptomatic at the time they received their test result. The number of residents who were exposed is low, therefore the risk of exposure for all other residents is also low. The team members maintained social distancing, wore masks the entire time, and exercised proper hand sanitation when with the few residents who had the potential exposure.
At this time, according to the CDC and ISDH guidance, we must have all residents sheltering in place and we had to conduct testing for all residents who have not previously tested positive. That testing occurred last evening and all results for residents tested came back negative. We are required to follow this guidance and we know you want us to do this to protect your loved ones. Please know that we do not currently have any residents who are displaying signs or symptoms for COVID 19. If your loved one had an exposure, you would have already received a phone call. Other family members of residents tested would have received a phone call regarding testing. If you have not received a phone call, your loved one was not exposed, nor did they require a test.
Unfortunately, also in accordance with CDC and ISDH guidance, this means we will have to cancel all healthcare family visitation until 14 days have passed with no positive tests results. Once that occurs, we will be able to resume visitation as long as no new positive results occur. We will keep you updated on this status.
We understand how difficult this news is for each of you. We are equally saddened by this news. We will continue to monitor our residents for signs and symptoms and will retest as recommended. We hope you understand our primary focus, as well as yours, is to provide for the health and safety of your loved ones and our team members.
As always, we appreciate your prayers for strength and guidance for our residents and team members as we continue to provide the excellent compassionate care to your loved ones. Please do not hesitate to contact our Healthcare Administrator, Scott Mahl, our Director or Assistant Director of Nursing, Katherine Hatton or Angela Johnson, or myself should you have any questions. All can be reached at 574-537-4000.
Brent Nafziger
Vice President of Operations
Greencroft Goshen
August 3, 2020
We are thrilled to announce that we will be COVID-free in Healthcare for the required two (2) weeks starting this week! This means we will be able to offer outdoor visitation for residents and visitors. It's going to be a great day and we are looking forward to seeing the smiling faces again.
Here are the details:
Greencroft Goshen is planning on having outdoor visitation, by appointment only, starting on Thursday, August 6 beginning at 9:00 a.m. Please enter through the main entrance in Healthcare. You will sign and complete the screening form at the station across from the front desk.
In order to keep our residents, staff and yourselves safe, please observe the following:
- Please observe social distancing of 6ft. at all times. We will have the areas marked off. Please do not move closer as it could jeopardize the visitation schedule for everyone.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided for use before and after your visit.
- Please bring a mask with you and wear it at all times during your visitation time.
- Your temperature will be taken at the screening table and you will fill out the Coronavirus screening form.
- Do not share food and drink with your loved one during the visitation.
- Two family members at time will be allowed to visit each resident for 20 minutes.
- The locations for visiting will be sanitized in between visits.
In order to schedule your visit please contact 537-6000. Visitation hours are the following:
9 a.m. -11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday to Friday
1 :00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays
We have many families and residents who are interested in visiting, so please have patience as we will do our best to accommodate first choice in times and provide availability for everyone to have a visit who desires it. The visits will occur in the Vista Courtyard.
Visitation will be canceled if weather conditions prohibit outdoor visits. Please keep an eye on the weather. If visitors pose a risk for transmitting COVID-19 to the residents, facility and staff, we will request the visit to be canceled. The success of our outdoor visitation depends upon the cooperation of our visitors, so please adhere to the guidelines. In the event that there is one new positive case of COVID among our residents and/or among two or more healthcare staff at any time following the beginning of outdoor visitation, then outdoor visitation will cease by order of the Indiana State Department of Health.
We will also continue to provide opportunities for video and telephone calls as well as window visits as available should you choose not to participate in outdoor visits at this time.
We appreciate everyone's patience and are excited to offer this visitation to our family members and residents. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.
Scott Mahl
Interim Administrator
Greencroft Healthcare
COVID-19 Education - Healthcare Visitor Guidelines
In order to keep you and your loved one safer, we want to provide you with some helpful education to make this a successful visit.
- Please observe social distancing (at least six-feet).
- Ensure that you are using hand sanitizer before and after your visit.
- Please bring a mask with you for you to wear during your visit.
- Please keep your visitation times within your allocated time so as to not infringe upon another family’s scheduled time.
- Check in at the screening table - temperature checks and Coronavirus Screening Form.
- No sharing of food or beverages between the resident and family members.
COVID-19 is highly contagious and we want to make certain that you and your loved one are safe. For your safety and the safety of others, please observe the procedures listed above.
Greencroft Healthcare has the right to deny visitation if the circumstances of the visit pose a risk for transmitting COVID-19 to the facility, residents or staff members.
July 17, 2020
Caring is what we do, it's who we are. Our CROFT values of Creativity, Respect, Openness, Fairness and Teamwork are all interconnected with one another and how we choose to care for our residents and in tum one another. These values also help provide a framework for not only how we treat one another but also how we make decisions in our organization. Whether it's coming to work with a joyful attitude, providing a solution to a resident request or determining the course of how we respond to this pandemic, CROFT Values guide us in each of those decisions. With this in mind, we want to share some news with you about COVID testing for team members.
As you are aware, in June, the Indiana State Department of Health brought test kits for 199 team members on campus. While these did not cover all team members, it did help us to get half of our total team tested. There were 75 tests which came back with the status of "incomplete." We are still unsure what that meant we just know that, unfortunately, many team members did not get their results. Since we did not get enough test kits initially anyway, regardless of the missing results for many team members, we asked for and received additional test kits from the State. Those were administered to approximately 60 team members who didn't get a result the first time. Some others chose to go to an offsite testing location. For a second time, we have not received all the test results back. This is very unfortunate and concerning to us.
This outcome is not acceptable for team members to have taken the test twice and still not been given a result. This causes stress and anxiety during a time when we are already dealing with those emotions. Therefore, we have contracted with Goshen Health to conduct onsite testing at Greencroft Goshen for all team members at no cost to you. Greencroft Goshen will pay for this testing to occur. This is the right thing to do for each of you and for our residents. We need to have a solid baseline testing completed so you know your results. The love and caring we all feel for our residents is prevalent amongst all of you. We know you place their safety as paramount and would not want to unknowingly pass this virus to our residents.
There will be two dates and times for you to choose from when selecting when you will get tested. This testing will also occur during your working hours to make sure you are paid during the testing time. There are posters around campus with the dates and times, and the information is also in the Week-At-A-Glance this week and next.
Testing Dates and Times
Thursday, July 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 28 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Testing will be held in the Community Center for all Team Members who work outside of Healthcare. Testing will be held in the Terrace Meetinghouse for all Healthcare Team members.
Specific information will be coming out from Human Resources about signing up and each Department Director will help to coordinate sign-ups for Team Members in their departments.
We appreciate your willingness to make sure our residents are safe. We know that taking this test again will be uncomfortable, but it will give you the peace of mind regarding your health and wellbeing and that of your family and friends. We have been assured by Goshen Health that we will receive the results for all Team Members in a timely fashion.
Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself, Scott Mahl, or Trinity Hughes.
Thank you for being a part of our team at Greencroft Goshen.
Brent Nafziger
Vice President of Operations
June 19, 2020
Dear Families and Residents,
Since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic, it has been our goal to protect the residents who live or come to Greencroft Goshen to receive the high quality of care we are known for providing. In addition, we also wanted to make sure we were clear in our communication and made sure others knew what we know. This is what our CROFT Values (Creativity, Respect, Openness, Fairness and Teamwork) calls us to do for one another.
While the state of Indiana is reopening, we have, as expected, begun to see statewide and in particular, Elkhart County, the numbers of positive cases increase. The reopening of the state is mostly for those who are least at risk. As you know, the population we serve is the most at risk. Therefore, even the reopening of the state has not applied to our campus. We ask each of you to remember that re-opening the state does not mean the virus is not still prevalent. The shut down was about slowing the spread not stopping it. Please take precautions of wearing a mask in any public areas, proper hand washing/sanitizing, and social distancing.
We have always been prepared for when the virus would appear, not if it would appear. Even with our best efforts, we have experienced an outbreak of COVID in our healthcare center. It began with a resident who had passed away and their test result came back as positive. Since then we have continued testing of residents as symptoms arise and in conjunction with physician’s order and family consent. Early in the pandemic, we prepared a COVID unit so we would be ready when we needed to care for our residents. As we are monitoring for signs and symptoms, we are testing residents and moving any positive residents to the COVID unit. We have quickly been able to accommodate on campus residents as well as those in our healthcare center. We are working to once again expand the unit to be prepared should more residents need that level of care. We are moving the existing residents from the Vista unit into other areas of healthcare. Vista will become an extension to the COVID unit should we need it. We have begun setting up these rooms in order to be prepared.
In our assisted living area, we have decided to not take the next step by opening up communal dining at this time. We feel with all the variables on campus, it would be best to hold off and monitor the spread before risking the health of the residents. Residents are not able to social distance when moving to and from the dining room. However, we have put a plan in place to begin outdoor visitation with safety guidelines in place for our residents. We are able to ensure that residents are not in the hallway at the same time. We also have procedures for screening, sanitizing the area, socially distanced visiting areas and mandatory masks. We are pleased to provide this for as long as we can do so. Should we experience a positive case, the visitation will have to be suspended until we have COVID free for 14 days. Should a resident wish to continue to isolate and not receive visitors, they are welcome to do so.
We have begun to receive test results back for team members. As you may know, we were given 199 tests which was not an adequate number to test all team members on campus. At this time, we still have 74 results outstanding. 147 tests were negative and 8 were positive. Any resident who may have been served by a team member who tested positive would have been informed. We are working with the state to have additional tests for the remainder of our team members. We plan for those to arrive next week.
We feel it is best to keep the Homestead closed at this time. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep those clients and families informed on a regular two-week basis. We recognize the hardship this can place on families so we have offered our assistance to see if needs would be better served on campus at this time.
As you can imagine, this is a time of high stress and anxiety for residents, families and team members. We know this is a difficult time for you as well. We ask for patience and grace in following up on questions as we will prioritize those who are most impacted. We ask for your continued prayers. We know God is with us and you as we all navigate this outbreak together.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us should you have questions. You can also find our daily updates on the website at
June 15, 2020
We have had a change in our COVID 19 status for our healthcare area. Last week, we reported a resident who we found out to be positive after he/she had passed away. Going into the weekend, we initiated more testing of residents who had begun to display symptoms. As of today, we are awaiting test results for some residents while also finding that results have come back as positive for other residents. While this is certainly not the news we wanted, we have been prepared for this eventuality for some time. We have always been under the impression that it was not a matter of if the virus showed up but a matter of when. That time is now upon us.
We began work quickly to move residents into our ready COVID unit. As we began to identify additional residents with positive test results, we moved those residents into the COVID Unit to hopefully limit the spread of the virus. The team in healthcare has done an amazing job working together to not only move the residents but also sanitize the rooms. This takes a lot of dedicated heroes working together to make this happen for our residents. Additionally, we have been doing our very best to communicate with the impacted family members. We always want you to know exactly what is going on.
Additionally, we know that our capacity will need to expand to accommodate residents who are currently hospitalized as well as other residents who may test positive. We have already begun working on expanding our unit to make sure we can care for our residents.
We are working in conjunction with the State and our Director of Clinical Services for Greencroft Communities to determine when the next steps of testing for residents in healthcare need to occur. As testing occurs, each responsible party will receive communication directly from a team member. Additionally, further communication will occur when test results are received.
As you can imagine, this is a time of high stress and anxiety for residents, families and team members. We ask for patience and grace in following up on questions as we will prioritize those who are most impacted. We ask for your continued prayers. We know God is with us as we navigate this outbreak.
Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 574-537-4000. The receptionist can put you in contact with the right person. You can also click the “Contact Us” link on this website to email us.
Thank you!
June 12, 2020
We conducted the state mandated testing for all team members on June 11, 2020. We used all 199 tests available. Any team member who did not get tested will be sent to a off site location to have their test completed. As testing was completed, we were not able to keep track of where each person worked on campus. We have counted them all in healthcare for now. As the results are received, we will be able to track their working location. Therefore, you will see changes in the numbers on the chart above.
In addition, we identified 7 healthcare residents are now being tested for COVID19. In Independent living, we are seeing more testing being done. Some are being tested as a requirement for elective surgery. Some are also being tested as they have signs or symptoms. We have 5 residents who have tested positive. Three of those residents have required hospitalization and the other 2 are isolating at home. We have 1 resident is currently in the COVID Unit in healthcare.
Wearing masks in our healthcare and assisted living areas has been a requirement for many months now. In light of the increase of positive cases on campus for independent living areas, we are requiring all residents to wear masks when in public spaces in any buidling. This will help protect yourself as well as your neighbors and our team members. If you do not have a mask, please contact your Resident Service Coordinator.
We ask for your continued prayers for our residents and team members as we also include you in our prayers as well.
Thank you.
June 10, 2020
It is with a heavy heart that we report that a healthcare resident passed away and was later determined to have been positive for COVID-19. Please join us in prayer for this resident and family as they mourn their loss as well as for the team members who have lovingly cared for this resident while at Greencroft Goshen.
Please know that we are monitoring residents for signs and symptoms to determine if a spread of the virus has occurred and if more testing is needed. We are working closely with the Indiana State Department of Health to make sure we are following proper protocols and to determine next steps. You will receive a phone call from one of our team members if your loved one has been impacted or will require testing. We understand that you will want to know the unit where the resident resided but we are unable to provide that identifying information. We understand that this is distressing news but we ask for your patience and grace as we respond to questions and concerns.
May 22, 2020
As we move towards a holiday weekend with Memorial Day on Monday, May 25, we wanted to provide you with information regarding COVID-19 and other activities on the Greencroft Goshen campus.
- Watch Channel 13 for updated information
- Check the COVID-19 Update Phone Line at 574-537-3500 Monday through Friday after 12 p.m. for an update on COVID-19 cases with residents and team members at Greencroft Goshen (NOTE: No update on Memorial Day)
- Check the Greencroft website at
- Read Campus Life which is published the first, third and fifth Fridays
- Memos from your respective areas such as Manor 3 or Juniper Place
- Call your Facility Coordinator or Resident Service Coordinator
As Indiana continues to have active cases of COVID-19 and the community looks for ways to safely continue or begin some activities, please note that throughout the information, Governor Holcomb reminds us of healthy things for us to do which include:
- Wear masks
- Wash our hands frequently for at least 20 seconds
- Maintain at least six feet of space between each other
- Stay home if over age 65 or have compromised health concerns
We are planning to re-open the hair salons in Manor 2, Manor 4 and Juniper Place on Tuesday, May 26. The shops in Evergreen Place and Healthcare will not be opened until the Indiana State Department of Health permits it. The Manor 3 shop is closed. Duane Janney will work at the Manor 2 shop. To be able to finally get your hair cut, you will need to do the following:
- Sign up for an appointment for Manor 2 at the Manor 2 Gift Shop or the Manor 3 Gift Shop (Katie Weiss or Duane Janney) and at the Manor 4 or Juniper Place Shop (Karen Spencer) on the respective shop doors
- Only haircuts and sets will be done at this time. No permanents
- One person at each shop except Juniper Place which can have two people who are more than six feet apart
- There will be signs at the Beauty Shops defining appropriate precautions that must be followed by everyone
The Rinker Family Wellness Center will be open to only GG current resident members beginning on May 26. A memo with specific guidelines on time and expectations has been sent to the members. Team members and community members will be permitted at a later time. There will also be signs in the Wellness Center defining appropriate precautions that must be followed by everyone.
The campus meal on Memorial Day will follow the same schedule as a regular weekday with carryout only. Juniper Place will be served at lunch and Manor 4 will be served in the evening. No special pricing and no ticket will be necessary. Communal dining for Healthcare will begin on June 2. In Assisted Living it will begin on June 9. One-half of the residents in each setting will have their noon meal in the dining rooms and the other half will be in the dining rooms for the evening meal. Breakfast will continue to be served in the rooms for everyone for the time being. For Manor 4 and Juniper Place, we will be opening the dining rooms to 50% capacity beginning on May 28. Social distancing will continue and people are asked to wear masks to the dining room until the meal is served. Menus will not be available initially as basic meals only will be served. This will be adjusted as things slowly come back to some type of normal. Carry-out meals will continue to be an option as will home delivered meals at noon Monday through Friday and REAL Meals at Manor 2 Monday through Friday. We are planning to reopen the Bistro in the Community Center in mid-June. Social distancing and masks will also be part of this reopening. Stay tuned for more details soon. The Groves Cafe in Healthcare will reopen when the visitation restrictions for Healthcare are lifted by the Governor and the Indiana State Department of Health. There will be signs in all of the dining venues defining appropriate precautions that must be followed by everyone.
The Homestead will be closed through May 31 following the Governor's Back on Track Indiana plan. Families will continue to be informed of any changes. The decor in the Homestead is being updated during the closing.
Planned group activities across campus including the Community Center will begin following state guidelines. June activities have been canceled and large gatherings such as campus worship services are not planned for July. Committees across campus are working on plans for the future as we continue to live in the pandemic.
The GGRAC ballot for 2020 will be mailed in late May. Three at-large members, a secretary and a vice chair are listed on the single slate ballot Watch Channel 13 for an interview of the candidates. The annual Resident Association Meeting is usually in June at Jennings Auditorium. This year the officers, GG board chair, Diane Woodworth, Brent Nafziger and committee members will tape the annual meeting which will be aired on Channel 13 later in June. Stay tuned for more information.
We will continue to do weekly videos to keep you updated on details around COVID-19 as they are ever changing and as we await further guidance and details related to the Governor's Back on Track Indiana plan. These videos will continue until we no longer need to do them and we will let you know when that is because right now we have no idea. Things continue to change and are in a constant state of flux as our county and state and country continue to make decisions on the right steps to take to combat this virus.
THANK YOU for what you have been doing to stay safe and well during this time.
Now that some things are gradually starting to reopen, we ask that you continue to follow the Governor's guidance which states, "Hoosiers 65 and over and those with high-risk health conditions should remain at home whenever possible. Recommend that residents wear face coverings in public settings. Residents also should continue to practice social distancing and good hygiene.'' (Stage 2 - to May 22). And, "Hoosiers 65 and older and those with known high-risk medical conditions should limit exposure at work and in their communities. Face coverings are recommended."
(Stage 3 - May 23-June 13). Please continue to be safe and smart as things reopen to protect not only yourself, but everyone here at Greencroft Goshen. Thank you.
PLEASE NOTE: all of these reopening plans and dates are subject to change if guidance from the Governor or the Indiana State Department of Health changes based on the status of COVID-19 in our area or across the State.
May 1, 2020
Dear Family Member,
I’m sending this letter to let you know what we’re doing at Greencroft Goshen Health Care to prepare for the possibility of caring for someone who contracts the COVID-19 virus, how we will communicate with you when that event takes place and continued communication going forward.
First let me say that we are very thankful for your understanding of our visitation policy during this unprecedented time. We appreciate those who made masks, brought in treats for staff members, sent cards and gifts to residents to brighten their day and encourage them, and just genuinely showed concern and appreciation for all who work and live here at Greencroft.
Our interdisciplinary team has worked vigorously to set up a COVID-19 isolation Unit specifically designed for isolating any resident who contracts the virus. Our Medical Director, Dr. Paul Buller M.D., has sanctioned the unit. The staff assigned there will be working exclusively in the COVID-19 unit. Our Director of Nursing, Stephanie Blaylock, will provide leadership by working exclusively on the unit once it needs to open. Our Assistant Director of Nursing, Angela Johnson, will provide nursing leadership to the rest of Healthcare and will not be on the unit. The two of them will be in daily communication via phone and email.
The unit is located at the south end of Healthcare. Extra precautions have been taken to seal it off from the rest of Healthcare. It has its own heating and cooling system, separate bathrooms, and houses a complete kitchen. All workers will be protected by the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) as we continue to uphold and adhere to all infection control practices as directed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Long Term Care Division. Under the direction of ISDH we have held three classes to train non-CNA staff to serve as Personal Care Assistants. These persons will be able to act as CNA’s while the Governor’s COVID-19 declaration is in effect to help with staffing. They will not be used in the COVID-19 unit.
Beginning on May 4, 2020, we will communicate to the emergency contact listed on your loved one’s chart with a daily automatic phone call. All information regarding COVID-19 cases can be accessed through our web site by going to and clicking on the orange bar at the top of the page for information about COVID-19. As always, if your loved one experiences a change in condition for any reason but also for symptoms of COVID-19, you will receive a personal call for a member of our nursing team. We will also call you if your loved one may have been exposed to the virus.
If you have questions you may call me at 574-537-4171, Assistant Director of Nursing, Angela Johnson at 574-537-4135, or Director of Household Living, Cheryl Shreiner, at 574-537-4204. Please keep in mind that each of us is in and out of our offices all day, but we will return your call as soon as we can. Please do not call other persons, or the units, as the staff are busy taking care of residents and seeing to their needs. You may also email us at Should you feel your questions have not been answered or you would like your concerns addressed at another level, please call our Corporate Compliance Line at 800-211-2713. You may also call the Ombudsman for this area. Linda Kors, CSC, Local Ombudsman,, 574-284-7135.
We give thanks to God that we have not had any cases of COVID-19 to date and hope and pray to keep it that way. Please join us in that effort and stay safe, practice social distancing and wear your mask if you must leave your home.
John S. Eley, HFA
FAQ Reminders
At Greencroft Goshen we are taking steps to protect our team members and residents:
- We are actively screening team members and anyone else entering our buildings for signs and symptoms at the beginning of each shift. Every employee is provided with a mask and is expected to practice social distancing.
- Residents are being asked to stay in their rooms and encouraged to cover their nose and mouth when someone enters their room. Meal trays are being delivered to resident rooms, except for those who need help or are at risk for choking. They are given masks to wear if they must leave their room for any reason.
- Any team member who indicates the presence of symptoms and/or fever is directed to return home and call their physician.
- We are working closely with team members during situations regarding potential exposure to another individual who is positive for COVID-19 or is awaiting test results. We have informed our team members that they would be covered by the federal Emergency Sick Leave and Emergency Family Medical Leave Act if they cannot come to work for a COVID-19 related reason.
- Our housekeeping staff has increased the frequency of their cleaning schedule for common areas, with extra attention given to high-touch areas such as doorknobs and handrails.
- We have taken additional steps to secure personal protective equipment (PPE) on our own at an additional cost to the organization in addition to accepting masks from volunteer’s, so our team members and residents feel protected.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus. It can lead to respiratory illness with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and shortness of breath. In a growing number of cases, it can be more severe than the flu, with a higher mortality rate. Certain populations are more at risk of getting this virus, including individuals age 60 or older and people of any age with serious underlying medical conditions.
Visitation - Visitation is restricted for everyone except in “compassionate care” situations. When your loved one is actively dying, our intention is that you can visit by being screened, wearing masks, and only two persons at a time. The evaluation and testing of a resident showing signs and symptoms is done by the resident’s Doctor, or our Medical Director in consultation with our nursing staff. Families may stand outside the window to see a resident as long as they social distance and the window is not opened. Families may call the Activity Director, Erin Baker at 574-537-4048 to schedule a phone call or a Zoom call. Families are encouraged to leave notes for the resident to read along with photos.
About Evaluation and Testing - All residents have vital signs taken and a respiratory assessment daily. If any Covid-19 like symptoms are noted, the resident goes on increased monitoring for 72 hours which includes being assessed every shift (3x/day) at a minimum and more frequently based on the assessed symptoms. All concerns are reported to the primary care physician as they arise. The primary care physician will order the test based on their review of the resident status and the testing criteria as they know it.
What happens if it is determined that my loved one needs to be tested? If the physician determines that a resident needs to be tested, the resident will be isolated in their room and isolation precautions will go in effect for staff caring for that resident until the test comes back negative. If the test is positive, the resident would be moved to the Covid-19 unit. The designated resident representative will receive a call from a member of the nursing staff for changes in condition.
When would someone be sent to the hospital? Residents will be sent out to the hospital if it is deemed necessary based on the needs of the resident along with their individual plan of care as determined by the resident, and POA, in consultation with the physician.
Where can I find more information?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH)
March 24, 2020
Yesterday, the Indiana State Department of Health has recommended that no resident be allowed to leave our healthcare or assisted living areas except for emergency medical services. If a resident and/or family does not comply, the facility may refuse to allow the resident back into the building because of the risk that they pose to others. Our Medical Director on campus supports this policy as well. Any time an assisted living or healthcare resident leaves our campus, they risk exposure to COVID-19. This policy does not apply to our independent living residents. However, the Govenor has implemented a stay at home order which restricts travel for non-essential reasons. Therefore, independent living residents should practice self isolation and restrict visitors from their homes.
While we understand that this is a difficult time to be apart from your loved one, it is for the protection of your family member as well as all the other residents on our campus.
Thank you for understanding and patience.
March 19, 2020
First State Bank has canceled lobby hours across their system. For residents who need to make deposits, they can call Kelly at 547-537-4086 to arrange for a ride downtown for drive up service. All ATMs for First State Bank will be monitored and kept stocked with cash.
The Community Center will be closed to foot traffic and walking through the building. If anyone needs to see anyone who has an office in the community center, please call ahead so they can make arrangements.
Marketing, Sheena (574-537-4010) and Nina (574-537-4128)
Independent Living Programming, Amy (574-537-4090)
General Information, Vickie (574-537-4090)
Transportation, Home Delivered Meals, GAH, Kelly (574-537-4086)
Greencroft At Home, Janice and Susan (574-537-4054)
Residential Services, Cathy (574-537-4049)
Some the team members in the Community Center may be working to provide service to our residents in other areas on campus. We thank you in advance for your patience and grace should there be a delay in getting back to you.
March 17, 2020
On the Greencroft Goshen campus, we have the Thelma A. Schrock Homestead which provides campus residents and individuals from the greater community with Adult Day Care services.
After much deliberation and discussion with the team and family members, it was determined to be in the best interest of our clientele, team members and the community to suspend services.
We know this can be a hardship. We have been in contact with those we serve to discuss this decision. As each day of this pandemic has progressed, we have had more clients practice social distancing and self-quarantining in order to protect themselves from this virus. As each day of this pandemic has progressed, we have had more clients practice social distancing and self quarantine in order to slow the progression of this virus.
The team members who work at the Homestead will continue employment with Greencroft Goshen in our healthcare or assisted living areas.
Once we are past this pandemic, and we will get past it, we will open the Homestead back up for service as it is a valued part of our ministry.
Yesterday, the Governor ordered the closure of restaurants in the state. In order to comply with this order, the Bistro in our community center has been closed until after the order has been lifted. Our Manor 4 and Juniper Dining Rooms are currently open, but residents are encouraged to carry out orders.
Our transportation continues to have grocery shopping runs on Tuesday and Thursdays for residents who sign up.
The AARP Tax Clinic which was held in the Community Center has been discontinued at this time.
We are working with staff to check on our independent living residents to make sure all is well. We are also working with our residents who do not have family or friends close who can assist them.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we walk through this journey together.
March 16, 2020
As a precautionary measure to protect our residents and in response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have canceled all public events on each of our campuses. This includes Lifelong Learning and events happening at the Wellness Center. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and/or website for additional updates and information on when we will reschedule these events.
For additional information about the prevention of COVID-19, visit…/2019-…/about/prevention-treatment.html.
We thank our visitors and residents for their cooperation with these temporary protocols and for your understanding as we work to ensure the safety and well-being of all who live in, work at and visit our communities.
March 16, 2020
For clarification, as of March 13, 2020, we are not allowing any visitors into our healthcare or assisted living areas unless in the case of end of life. Should such a situation arise, we ask visitors to call prior to arrival on campus. We will provide you with information on where to enter as well as additional screening precautions which will be required.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we do all we can to serve our residents.
March 13, 2020
As you are all aware the Novel Coronavirus also known as COVID-19 is spreading across the world as a contagious disease. We at Greencroft Goshen are working with the City of Goshen, Goshen Hospital and the Elkhart County Health Department to limit the spread of COVID 19. Information and requirements are changeing daily from the Centers for Disease Control and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This information directly impacts our nursing center operations as noted in the paragraphs below. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. However, we must be in compliance with CMS guidelines for the safety of our healthcare residents.
Effective at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 11, 2020, visitors to Greencroft Goshen Healthcare will be limited to those people who wish to be present for end of life situations or are critical to the emotional well being of a Healthcare resident. All other visitors including Greencroft Goshen staff who do not work in Healthcare may not enter the building.
The Groves Cafe will only be available to Healthcare residents and staff until further notice. For meal options on campus, you can choose the following:
Home delivered meals, Monday through Friday noon (call your Facility Coordinator or Resident Service Coordinator to request them-requires reservations at least 24 hours)
The B in the Circle Bistro at the Community Center open 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
REAL Meals at Manor 2, call 971-6016 at least 24 hours in advance
All public events at the Community Center are canceled.