We are more than a Single Story II

Residents • Team Members • Board Members

Categories of Stories:

  • Do you have a friendship that has impacted your life?
  • Tell us a story about how your parent/grandparent/mentor impacted your life.
  • Share your love story.
  • What have been your most influential life lessons?
  • Tell us about a courageous person in your life.
  • Can you tell us about an experience you had when you were younger that you now see differently?
  • What losses have you experienced and how did you grow from them?
  • Share a story about your funny shenanigans (past or present!)

Each Story:

  • No more than 750 words
  • Electronic version
  • Pictures with your story would help add to its appeal
  • Proofing required, either your own or a friend 
  • Author information required (see below)

Author Information:

  • Author’s name, the campus where he/she lives/works, years with us 
  • Other descriptors to tell the reader about the author: father/mother, child, teacher, friend, dreamer, creator, woodworker, painter, writer, author, etc.

Submissions are due: September 15, 2023. Send to: GC.Assistant@greencroftcommunities.org